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Agency of  Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Operation Responsibilities

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  • Last updated:2024-04-12
  • View count:4072

Planning Division:

  1. The compilation, control, and assessment of the correctional organizations' annual policy objectives, governance plans, and research development.
  2. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the correction organizations' operation evaluations.
  3. The contact, communication, and promotion of international correctional institutions (organizations).
  4. The planning, guidance, and supervision in the education, training, advanced training, and examination of correctional officers.
  5. The determination, formulation, and interpretation of the corrective regulations and system.
  6. The consultation, research, analysis, and evaluation of the legal system.
  7. The handling of national government compensation, grievances, and appeal incidents.
  8. The collection, organization, and research compilation of correction information.
  9. The planning, implementation, promotion, and supervision of the corrective management information system.
  10. Other matters concerning integrated planning.


Rehabilitation & Counseling Division:

  1. The planning, guidance, and supervision of survey classification, identification, case investigation, and psychological tests.
  2. The planning, guidance, and supervision of education, counseling, and recreational activities.
  3. The oversight and audit of parole and parole revocation.
  4. The oversight and audit of progressive punishment, sentence commutation assessment cases.
  5. Planning, guidance, and supervision of life-skill trainings.
  6. The planning, guidance, and supervision of commissioned processing operations and self-employment.
  7. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the professional trainings for homework mentors and vocational training teachers.
  8. The planning, guidance, and supervision of employment counseling.
  9. The oversight and audit of job skill training equipment as well as labor, incentive, and condolence payments.
  10. Other matters concerning educational counseling.


Security & Supervision Division:

  1. The planning, guidance, and supervision of guard safety and management systems.
  2. The planning, guidance, and supervision for the use and maintenance of weapons, ammunitions, restraints, and fire protection equipment as well as the protection training.
  3. The planning, guidance, and supervision of housing categorization and transfer ban.
  4. The oversight an audit of home visits, family cohabitation, and rule violation handling.
  5. Guard manpower and draftee correction service dispatch and configuration.
  6. The planning, guidance, and supervision of prior education for the correctional institutions.
  7. The correctional institutions' notification, warning, control, and handling of prisoner dynamics.
  8. The planning, coordination, and supervision of the disaster, prevention and response exercises, and emergency contingency measures for correctional institutions.
  9. The planning, coordination, and supervision of police support for correctional and police institutions.
  10. Other matters concerning security supervision.


Logistics & Resource Division:

  1. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the correctional institutions' name, nationality, and file management.
  2. The planning, guidance, and supervision in the acceptance and safeguarding of living supplies, funds, and items.
  3. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the correctional institutions' rehab and physical therapy cost payment receiving operations.
  4. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the correctional institutions' inmate welfare matters.
  5. The planning, guidance, and supervision of the correctional institutions' cooperative businesses.
  6. The development, review, and supervision on the construction, relocation, expansion, and renovation plans for correctional institutions.
  7. The planning, audit, and supervision of the correctional institutions' building repairs, facility improvement, equipment procurement plans.
  8. Management and supervision of the correctional institutions' funding reception and expenditure.
  9. Supervision on matters regarding to the property, goods, vehicle, and dormitory managements.
  10. Other matters related to logistical resources.


Correctional Medical Service Division:

  1. The planning, guidance, and supervision on rehab observation and forced institutionalization related matters.
  2. The planning, guidance, and supervision of drug treatment related matters.
  3. The planning, guidance, and supervision of matters related to inmate communicable disease control and food hygiene and nutrition.
  4. The oversight and audit of matters related to inmate illness, death, and compassionate release.
  5. The planning, guidance, and supervision of health and medical related matters related to correctional institutions.
  6. Planning, guidance, and supervision of psychotherapy for special inmates who have suffered sexual assaults or domestic violence, or have mental or physical disabilities.
  7. Other matters concerning correctional medical matters.


Secretarial Office:

  1. Management of seals, instruments, and files.
  2. Management of cashier, property, construction and maintenance, procurement, and other matters.
  3. Congressional liaison, media relations, and press releases matters.
  4. Report and official business handling.
  5. Management of public properties or assets.
  6. Worker management (including mechanics and drivers).
  7. Matters that does not belong to other groups or offices.


Personnel Office:

  1. Review and approval of staff appointment, dismissal, and transfer.
  2. Audits for matters regarding to salary contract signing and treatment standards.
  3. Matters relating to leave and poor attendance examinations.
  4. Matters relating to rewards and punishment review and approval.
  5. Matters relating to training, refresher courses, and investigation proposals.
  6. Matters relating to test performance organization and transfers.
  7. Consideration and transfer of matters related to retirement, severance, and pension cases.
  8. Matters relating to welfare and recreational activity.
  9. Registration data items for various personnel information statements.
  10. Matters relating to personnel certificate issuance.
  11. Matters relating to civil servant insurance and universal health insurance.
  12. Monitoring and assessment matters for subordinate agency personnel operations.
  13. Matters relating to human resource management and personnel.


The Civil Service Ethics Office is in charge of agency ethics matters.


Accounting Office:

  1. The planning, review, and compilation of matters related to the annual revenue and expenditure estimates, budgets, and final accountings for this agency and subordinate agencies.
  2. The audit and preparation matters for the annual revenue and expenditure budget allocation and budget allocation modifications for this agency and subordinate agencies.
  3. The audit and remission matters for the appending, chasing-down, and the first and second preparatory funds for the annual revenue and expenditure budges of this agency and subordinate agencies.
  4. The funding stream and budget detainment application and transfer review matters of this agency and subordinate agencies.
  5. The critical annual administrative budget plan review matter of this agency and subordinate agencies.
  6. Recommendation and supervision of annual accounting matters for this agency and subordinate agencies.
  7. Supervision for all procurement cases for this agency and subordinate agencies.
  8. Provision allocation matters for inmates of this agency and subordinate agencies, homes, institutions, or schools.
  9. The application, preparation, and final account processing matters for the budget execution, control, funding stream, and budget retention of this agency.
  10. Signature approval matters for the oversight and review improvement of this agency's progress in the implementation of the capital expenditure budget.
  11. The preparation of property class summons, publication of control accounts, property changes balance sheets, and monthly report audits and inventory matters for this agency.
  12. The audit, preparation, and verification submission matters for the accounting documents of various funds administered by this agency.
  13. Preparation matters for this department's accounting and performance reports.
  14. Financial income audit matters for this agency and its subordinate agencies.
  15. Inspection, monitoring, and document auditing matters for the various procurement cases of this agency.
  16. Handling of accounting staff organization, appointments, relocations, evaluations (scores), appraisals, rewards and punishments, training, retirement, severance, and pension related matters for this agency and its subordinate agencies.
  17. Review of the handover case accounting for this agency and its subordinate agencies.
  18. Work report compilation and review submission matters for this office and its subordinate accounting organizations.
  19. The various original certificate approval and transfer matters for this agency and its affiliated prisons, training institutions, treatment centers, juvenile reform schools, and juvenile correction schools.
  20. Accounting and budget execution supervisory matters for this agency and its subordinate agencies.
  21. Matters relating to computerization of accounting for this office and its subordinate accounting agencies.
  22. State asset change balance sheet auditing matters for this office and its subordinate accounting agencies.
  23. Safeguarding standard matters relating to document sending and receiving and seals for this office.
  24. Other subject matters not belonging to other divisions in this office.
  25. Matters relating to prison operating fund budgets and final account preparations.
  26. Matters relating to prison operating fund phased implementation plans and income/expenditure assessment table preparations.
  27. Matters relating to prison operating fund fixed asset construction, improvement, and budget expansion item changing and retention.
  28. Matters relating to prison operating fund accounting report and semi-annual report preparations.
  29. Matters relating to prison operating fund fixed asset construction, improvement, and budget expansion item supervision, evaluation, and implementation.
  30. Matters relating to prison operating fund management committee account handling.
  31. Matters relating to the supervision of prison operating fund procurement.
  32. Matters relating to prison operating fund asset change balance sheet auditing.
  33. Foundation accounting legal affair supervisory matters for this agency.


Statistics Office:

  1. Matters relating to correction statistics programs and plan implementation.
  2. Matters relating to statistical survey planning and processing.
  3. Development and planning matters for the computerization of statistical operations.
  4. Matters relating to correction agency official statistical report planning.
  5. Matters relating to correctional agency business statistics performance evaluation planning.
  6. Statistical data, report audits, and management matters for affiliated correctional institutions.
  7. Compilation, reporting, and management matters for correctional agency statistical reports.
  8. Compilation, reporting, and management matters for correctional agency business statistical report and performance appraisal.
  9. Matters relating to parole revocation case data compilation and report preparations.
  10. Matters relating to statistical database establishment and management.
  11. Matters relating to statistical database publication and management.
  12. Correctional agency the statistical analysis draft compilation and audit.
  13. Statistical operation monitoring and assessment matters for affiliated correctional institutions.
  14. Professional performance (score) appraisal, reward/punishment, training, retirement, severance, and pension transfer approval matters for statisticians of correctional institutions.
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