Location and traffic
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2019-07-31
- View count:4778
ADDRESS:No.180, Hong-Teh Village, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, 33307, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Switchboard: +886-3-3206361
Fax: +886-3-3200043
World Wide Web:https://www.mjac.moj.gov.tw
Traffic Information:
- By train: Taoyuan railway station→taking Route113 or 137 at Chunghwa Rd. at Tungling Department Store→ get off the bus at ShanYin gas station→Walk along with Taipei Prison then turn left for 5 minutes
- By car:Taoyuan Airport rump→ Sanying exchange→ Bade → exit at Yingge→ keep right lane to Yingge→ Taoying Road→ Fengchi 1st Road→ passing railway crossing→ Shanying Road