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Agency of  Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Fourth Cross-Strait Inmate Art, Calligraphy, and Crafts Joint Exhibition

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-03-20
  • View count:1569

     In adherence with the idea that culture must lead the way in the engagement of corrections work across the Strait, the two sides alternate each year in hosting an arts exhibition showcasing the works of corrections facility inmates. In 2012, Taiwan collaborated with the Prisons Administration Bureau of Fujian Province to organize the "Nurturing Culture and Creativity in Corrections Through Cultural an Artistic Events" joint exhibition at the Taimall Shopping Center in Taoyuan. In 2014, the exhibition expanded to include Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Fujian. Hong Kong Correctional Services and a delegation from South Korea were also invited. It was a major event for arts and culture engagement in the corrections world.


     The theme of the 2014 joint exhibition was "Ink to Butterflies: Great Art Across the Strait." The exhibition was marketed with a self-made promotional short film and Facebook. The promotional film has been viewed by 266,000 people; the event is followed by nearly 39,000 people on Facebook and has won over 10,000 Likes. The exhibition itself attracted 210,000 visitors.


     A total of 300 works were showcased, including paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, lacquerware, sand paintings, wood carvings, stone sculptures, and a variety of crafts. They included nearly 100 works by inmates serving sentences in Shanghai, Fujian, and Jiangsu in Mainland China. Warden Sim Dong-seob, who was part of the South Korean delegation, expressed particular praise for works including "Stop Crying, Son," "Out of March," and "Call Me Grandma." To foster further cultural engagement in the corrections field between Taiwan and Korea, Director Wu Hsien-chang of the Agency of Corrections offered those three works as a gift to Warden Sim. This was an important milestone in international engagement for Taiwan's corrections field.


     This exhibition also featured the most popular products from the workshops of corrections facilities across Taiwan, including the black feather golden chicken from Mingde Minimum Security Prison, whose sales exceeded $1 million; Dingxin soy sauce from Pingtung Prison, which has won a gold-medal food award; the handmade egg rolls from Tainan prison, which have been an Internet bestseller; the vermicelli noodles from Kinmen Prison, an unexpected hit; whitening solution from the Chiayi Detention Center, a popular beauty product; and chocolate from Taichung Women's Prison, a sweet gift. It was an excellent sales opportunity that brought in NT$12.31 million in revenue, an increase of 24.72% over the 2012 joint exhibition.


     In addition, Taoyuan Women's Prison and Taipei Women's Detention Center were invited to assist with guest reception for the event. The work was divided by function and responsibility to facilitate inter-departmental communication for smoother division of labor, planning, and execution. The corrections officers changed from their usual uniforms to an ensemble that included a pink-striped blouse, black skirts, and black stockings. They showed elegance and sophistication, attracting much media attention in their roles.

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